Friday, September 28, 2007

Not Evil After All

Yesterday I posted about Verizon not filling a request from pro-choice group.

Naral president Nancy Keenan said Thursday that the organization was distressed by the company's original denial of Naral's request.
''This is where you have a corporation that is censoring free speech,'' Keenan said.

Today Verizon now intends to allow it. Whether it had to do with outdated policies as company officials have said.

''We have fixed the process that led to this isolated incident,'' Verizon Wireless spokesman Jeffrey Nelson said in a statement.

''Upon learning about this situation, senior Verizon Wireless executives immediately reviewed the decision and determined it was an incorrect interpretation of a dusty internal policy,'' Nelson said. ''That policy, developed before text messaging
protections such as spam filters adequately protected customers from unwanted messages, was designed to ward against communications such as anonymous hate messaging and adult materials sent to children.

Or if it was a cave in (I tend to believe the company line), it looks like rewarding bad behavior. If you scream, whine and accuse enough, anyone can get their way. From what I know of it (and I will admit I only know from the limited articles I have read) Naral looks to be exhibiting the mentality of a two year old.