Friday, September 21, 2007

The Gun Made Me Do It

A group of International police chiefs miss the point, yet again.

An international organization of law enforcement executives has called on the U.S. government "to support strong and effective gun violence prevention
policies" to reverse a two-year rise in violent crime.

"It is simply unacceptable that in communities across America, more than 80 people a day are dying from gun violence," Laine stated while unveiling the 46-page report, which resulted from the Great Lakes Summit on Gun Violence held in Chicago earlier this year and sponsored, in part, by the Joyce Foundation.

"Every day, dedicated police officers put their lives on the line to protect their communities from criminals who often outgun them, but we can't do it alone," he said. "This is why we are calling on policymakers and the public to help us combat gun violence.

The criminals are using illegal guns to commit crime, so let’s take away guns from law abiding citizens, because they are the only ones who will follow the law. The criminals have all ready shown their commitment to laws.

Specific proposals include:

  • Requiring that all gun sales take place through federally licensed dealers;

The first thing that pops out to me is that I would no longer be able to sell my property without going through a dealer and they won’t be doing for free. The value of my property just went down. Secondly, criminals don’t normally buy guns legally in the first place so this won’t affect them.

  • Enhancing the ability of law enforcement to use federal gun trace data to deter illegal trafficking;

By all means let’s go after the illegal aspect.

  • Removing all firearms and ammunition from batterers when law enforcement responds to domestic violence calls; and

Simply responding to a call does not warrant seizure of private property, how about arresting violent offenders if there has been a crime.

  • Mandating safe storage of firearms by private citizens.

Which renders them useless in case of self defense, such as when an armed criminal breaks into a house.

Decreasing gun violence policies should never punish those who are not committing the violence.