Tuesday, November 13, 2007

You must listen to me.

If one needed any more proof that Chavez feels superior, the future dictator has issued a statement to the fact.

"If I stopped talking, the stones of Latin America would cry out, because the people are willing to be free of any kind of colonialism after 500 years," he added.In case the allusion to Jesus was missed, the office of the presidency issued a statement giving the biblical reference (Luke 19:38-40).

Urged by his critics to rebuke his disciples for praising him as one sent from God, Jesus replied, "I tell you, if these keep silent, the stones would cry out."

He treads dangerous ground by assuming a messiah figure in himself. There is point I feel he misses completely. Christ never forced anybody to accept him into their life, he offers a gift. This is also something many Christians forget when spreading the word. Everyone has a choice to make and they are the only ones that can make. Trying to force someone in to a choice will lead to some very negative repercussions. This is the center of my issue with socialism in general. It forces the idea of sharing (which is a good thing) on to the unwilling and creates oppression. For socialism to work it has to be voluntary by all and no cheating can occur. I have not seen anything in my time to show that this is possible.

If Chavez want to be like Christ he needed to remember free will and that includes the right to say no thanks.