Monday, November 19, 2007

ECN 11/1907

Ahmadinejad and Allies Want OPEC to Dump the DollarBy Patrick International EditorNovember 19, 2007( - An Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries summit ended Sunday with calm assurances of reliable supplies following efforts by the U.S.-baiting leaders of Iran, Venezuela and their new ally, Ecuador, to politicize the event and push for OPEC to dump the U.S. dollar.

Former guerilla leader wins Kosovo elections
19.11.2007 - 09:23 CET
Former Kosovar guerrilla leader Hashim Thaci's Democratic Party of Kosovo won the legislative elections held in the province on Saturday and said independence would be proclaimed in December. The EU welcomed the way the elections were held, but regretted the boycott by Kosovo's Serbian minority.
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Kosovo has been in the state of quagmire for over nine years under the UN and finally held an election, well almost.

Aid Begins to Reach Bangladesh Storm Survivors
The death toll from Cyclone Sidr has topped 2,400, and some groups are warning that it might reach 10,000. As rescue efforts continue, aid is beginning to reach the three million Bangladeshis displaced by the storm. more...

Court dismisses challenges to Musharraf
With the dismissals made by the hand-picked justices on the new Supreme Court, General Pervez Musharraf is almost guaranteed confirmation for a new term as president.