Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hollywood's Jihad

I started in on this yesterday but I just read (via Big Lizard) that over at Pajama Media, Jules Crittenden asked when Hollywood would start making wars of real world events instead of preaching and I think that question has been answered.

Forget the drama and the labored, moral-shoving plot lines that actually have nothing to do with combat and everything to do with your politics. Focus on depicting something that approaches the reality, and its utter disregard for your moralism.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations' Los Angeles office (CAIR-LA) and FOX Television recently co-hosted a "Hollywood 101" workshop to introduce aspiring Muslim writers, directors and actors to the entertainment industry.
Hollywood’s answer is not just more of the same but even more of the same. Less reality and more preaching will be the trend of Hollywood until they convert us, go out of business or get back in touch with reality.