Friday, October 12, 2007

Democrat Leader doesn't want to protect ID

Majority Leader Harry Reid supports identify theft or just he doesn’t understand the law.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Thursday he supports a decision by a district court judge that halts new Department of Homeland Security rules designed to make businesses accountable for employing illegal immigrants -- but the senator seemed confused over the court decision itself.
Right or wrong (mainly wrong) SSN is used for proof of ID. I know this because I have moved several time and needed to use it in order to receive a new driver’s licenses, register to vote and get a passport.

Stopping illegal immigrants from gaining employment will do more to deter then any wall because there will be less of a reason for them to come in the first place. America is still the land of opportunity whether the person is here legally or not.

As one would expect Captain Ed has more.

Every time I start to add to this, I go off on a tangent so I am going back off and regroup on this subject. I will be come back to this so here is a little sample of the direction I am going.
I am totally for legal immigration, I am even for more of it but illegal immigration creates more problems than it solves. Right now the US has an extremely low unemployment rate which normally drives up wages as employers fight for qualified workers but when the cheap work force of illegal immigrants is injected in to the mix, that keeps wages lower for longer. Sooner or later the economy will start to decrease and unemployment will rise again