Monday, August 13, 2007

Save, not Kill

Sandy Rios column over at Townhall is a very on spot look at the the homosexual crisis . May homosexual advocates equate disapproval to hate. Some carry it farther, since we disapprove then we must want them dead. I have said it before, killing in the name of God is a path of evil. Christians are suppose to be agents of love, not of death.

Meanwhile apostates like the "reverend" Fred Phelps represent the other side of this dangerous, deadly deception... purporting to be followers of Christ, while revealing their own side of evil by declaring "God hates fags." I've got news... God loves sinners, including fags and the rest of us so much that He sent His only son to die a brutal death to pay the penalty for their sin and ours.

We are not here to condem sinners to hell but to reach out to them so they don't go. And never forget, we are all sinners.