These are weak words:
Critics contend sonar has harmful effects on whales, possibly by damaging their hearing, and other marine mammals worldwide. The council's lawsuit alleges the Navy's sonar causes whales and other mammals to beach themselves.
These are especially weak words when dealing with national security. That is why President sees fit to ignore them even though some disagree.
The president's action is an attack on the rule of law," said Joel Reynolds, director of the Marine Mammal Protection Project at the Natural Resources Defense Council. "By exempting the Navy from basic safeguards under both federal and state law, the president is flouting the will of Congress, the decision of the California Coastal Commission and a ruling by the federal court.
Myself I question the wisdom of the Congress when they passed the law. Did they fully understand the impact of such a law? Did they care? The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 is what is being refered to and I believe it is section 307 subsection c:
(c)(1)(A) Each Federal agency activity within or outside the
coastal zone that affects any land or water use or natural
resource of the coastal zone shall be carried out in a manner
which is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with
the enforceable policies of approved State management
programs. A Federal agency activity shall be subject to this
paragraph unless it is subject to paragraph (2) or (3).
Is where the exception is occurring.
The big questions I would ask is how necessary is the training, can it be done elsewhere and is there an alternative to method the Navy is using? The smaller question would how actual proof is there that this method and location is causing damage?
Here is the only answer to be found in this article that responds to my questions:
The Navy training exercises, including the use of sonar, "are in the paramount interest of the United States" and its national security, Bush said in a memorandum