Ben Stein is promoting a new movie, one that actually peaks my interested. Expelled is about the idea that "real" science has painted itself into a corner by absolutely ruling out Intelligent Design and is now suffering.
( - Intelligent design theory, or ID, is opening new doors of scientific research, particularly in cancer and other disease research, according to its adherents, but a new movie, "Expelled" starring Ben Stein explores how an "elitist scientific establishment" is apparently muzzling and smearing scientists who publicly discuss ID.In my opinion worth a look.
A follow up:
If he had known the film’s premise, Dr. Dawkins said in an e-mail message, he would never have appeared in it. “At no time was I given the slightest clue that these people were a creationist front,” he said.
May I am completely bias but this sounds rather closed minded not to talk with those who differ from ones own. Does this movie misquote him or does he mean everything he says in the way it is presented? From that statement it only appears that Dr Dawkins objects to actually talking with ID believers. I can understand why they weren't completely open.
Dr. Dawkins was an obvious choice. An eminent scientist who teaches at Oxford University in England, he is also an outspoken atheist who has repeatedly likened religious faith to a mental defect.
He doesn't come across as a friendly interview to anyone other then those who accept his proclamation.