What part of Public Restroom do they not understand?
The ACLU filed a brief Tuesday supporting Craig. It cited a Minnesota Supreme Court ruling 38 years ago that found that people who have sex in closed stalls in public restrooms "have a reasonable expectation of privacy."There is a reasonable expectation of privacy when one is performing number one or two because that is what a restroom is designed for. That is the total purpose of the facility. If sex in public areas is against the law (I believe this is a fairly common law in all states) then there is no “right” to perform unlawful acts. It is an abuse plain and simple and any effort to protect such abuses is an attempt to break down social norms.
Who has sex in a Public Restroom? Thrill seeks, cheating spouses, prostitutes, homosexuals (Men normally use Men’s Room and women normally use Women’s Room) and those who for whatever reason just can’t wait to find an actual private spot. This is not behavior that enhances the “common good”. It is a “me” mentality and nobody else matters. Is this really the type of community that is needed in America? People achieve greatness when there is true teamwork. One genus we always be out performed by a group of geniuses even if that one is smarter than every single member of the group.
I may be going off on a tangent but as a society, we should never put the selfish desires ahead in the name of liberty.