Friday, December 7, 2007

What About the Reason for the Fence?

I have an alternative suggestion to this misguided effort.

London ( - A British charity is giving the traditional nativity scene a political twist this year by dividing it with a wall symbolizing Israel's controversial security barrier.

The Amos Trust, a Christian group that works with needy communities around the world, is selling what it calls a nativity set with a difference -- one where "the wise men won't get to the stable."

The alternate would be the wise men reaching the site only to find the stable blown up by a suicide bomber or it is an impact zone for the multitude of missiles launched in to Israel.

The proceeds for this “political carp fum” is touted as being for the trades men hurt by the loses of tourism this fence is causing but I have to wonder do you really want the tourist stopped by this fence? They generally sneak though with bombs strapped to their bellies. If I wanted to I could easily jump on a plane and play tourist. This fence does absolutely nothing to stop me, in fact with the fence up I would feel safer in doing a visit because there will be less of a chance of me returning in a body bag.

This Amos Trust has missed the point in my opinion and I as a Christian do not subscribe to their point of view. The fence is not a weapon of aggression it is a tool of defense. On the other side is a group of individuals dedicated to the destruction of Jewish Nation. To say that Israel does not have the right to build a defensive wall is to say they do not have a right to exist as a nation. If they really wanted this wall to come down, these misguided individuals need to address the real problem.

I would much rather be a Muslim living in Israel then a Jew living in the Gaza Strip or the West Bank. My life expectance and quality of life would be much better. This is an easy thing to see so I really wonder why these people miss the obvious. Why don’t they look at the full situation? Could it be that insulting Israel is easy and safe while pointing out the real issue is not so safe? After all a simple teddy bear name rallied thousands to call for execution.

Although she protested tearfully that she never meant to offend anyone, Gibbons was convicted of insulting Islam and sentenced to 15 days in jail. She was spared the more serious punishment of 40 lashes.

Angry Sudanese who did not consider the penalty harsh enough rallied in the capital, calling for Gibbons’ execution.

The reaction stunned Britons, including Muslim Britons.

Those who were stunned must not have been paying attention to the last 10 years.

Church and State