I have always been a man made global warming skeptic because I just don’t think man is as important as people think we are. It is true that man could seriously affect the planet with a couple hundred nuclear bombs but that is not what I am talking about. If man went on all fired effort such as chopping down every tree there would also be a significant effect. I do believe mankind has a responsibility to manage natural resources that limits our impact to the climate but not to the level the eco-prophet Al Gore demands. I also base my skepticism on more than just my lower opinion of mankind.
Does man have an effect, of course we do but there is much greater influences then mere man. The idea that man is the center of the universe is not new. There once was a time that man thought the sun revolved around the Earth. Not much has changed through the years. Man is still trying to assume a level of importance much beyond our actual place. Instead of being the center we now want to believe that we are final and all incorporating control of the planet. We also want to think we can eventual conquer the universe that had the audacity not to place us at the center.According to a new study on global warming, climate scientists at the University of Rochester, the University of Alabama, and the University of Virginia found
that the climate change models based on human influence do not match observed warming.That is contrary to the views held by former Vice President Al Gore, who accepted the Nobel Prize on Monday along with the U.N.'s Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and who thinks that climate change is largely caused by human action.