I have been saying this for awhile.
Bush used his weekly radio address Saturday to call on lawmakers to "do their job.
On one of my desks I have a quote "Shut your mouth and do your job" which seems to be the perfect advise for the 110th Congress. They apparently want to spend more time running their collective mouth then to actually do any thing meaningful. Congress is the place for many of the headlining issues in America.
- Congress can either continue or end the situation in Iraq.
- Congress can address the illegal immigration. Pres. Bush can direct the enforcement of current laws (Which does leave a lot to be desired) but he can not make any new one.
- Congress has yet to make any headway on health care issues.
- Only Congress can change the tax codes.
Legislative branch makes laws while the Executive Branch enforces laws. This post could easily turn in to bashing for any of the Senators currently running for President. Each of them claims they have ideas on how to help the US with each of these issues. If you want to find a pretender look at their Senate record and see what bills they introduced. When you don’t see their name as a sponsor or co sponsor on any major bill concerning these issues then you have found a pretender. If they were serious about changing things then they are already in the right place.