When will the Hollywood elites get as smart as the King of Spain?
As the current prime minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zaptero, scolded Chavez and urged him show respect for the legitimately elected former Spanish leader, he drew a flow of interruptions from the Venezuelan leader, who said he had the right to say what he liked.Not only did he tell Chavez to shut up, he walked out on the future dictator. This approach from the King has gotten rave reviews and has sparked national pride on many levels. Is it enough to show the world Chavez’s true colors. It shows the difference between respecting people and hating your opponents. Chavez was mystified at PM Zapatero's defense of Aznar. Perhaps he can’t understand that people can disagree without demonizing their opponent. A lesson the politicians in the US need to learn also.
Then the king -- sitting next to Zapatero -- leaned forward and said to Chavez, "Why don't you shut up?"
So when you hear a US politician (on either side) demonizing the opposition just say "por que no te callas?"