The Republicans in general and the other Dem. Candidates are going to ride this story for all it is worth.
Politicians are expected to double talk and everyone gets flustered at one time or another but when you do it during a presidential campaign it really gets noticed. When you happen to be the current front-runner it really gets noticed. The hardest thing for Clinton to overcome her will be the fact that it didn’t start from the right side but is a case of the Dems trying to eat their own. Both Edwards and Obama need a real big boost to bring down Hillary and they know if she wins the nomination that there is no room for them. It may have not been his first choice but when Edwards was offered the second spot for 2004 election, he jumped at it. That isn’t going to happen this year because he doesn’t add anything to Hillary. The only way Obama gets the second spot this year is if he pushes Hillary too hard and she needs to buy him off and the only way to push her is to tear her down. He is showing he can’t climb higher than her so he needs to bring her down to his level anyway he can.Addressing a crowd of Republican donors, the former Tennessee senator joined Clinton's Democratic opponents in seizing on her debate answer on whether she supported a plan by New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer to grant drivers' licenses to illegal immigrations.
At first, Clinton appeared to praise the plan. Pressed later in the debate, she seemed to backtrack, saying she didn't say it should be done. Her campaign sought to clarify her comments on Wednesday, saying she supported the governor's effort
Is this enough to pull Hillary down, I don’t think it is even close. She has waded through campaign irregularities so far without a scratch and there have been a lot of irregularities. There is this blind love affair with the idea of the Clintons. It is like an abusive relationship that a person just can put down for too long. A little “I’m sorry” and sweet talk and the Clintons are back in the house just waiting for the next time they can sucker puck American, steal some money and have an affair. Too many times the abused partner ends up in the hospital or worse yet dead. It easy to see the cycle but so hard to get out of. We keep thinking things will be different and rewrite history to cut out the bad times.