After Al Gore and company won the Nobel Peace Prize I have been wonder who should win the next but won’t.
I have a feeling that if this will save more people in the long run then Global Warning awareness and one only has to look at the results of the tsunami relief in 2004 for proof. With Russia flexing its military muscle and sporting an in-your-face attitude, the US navy, Coast guard and Marines are committing at least part of themselves to Peace. This is the real spirit of America and it comes to no surprise to me to find it in the military.WASHINGTON (AP) — In the first major revision of U.S. naval strategy in 25 years, maritime officials said Wednesday they plan to focus more on humanitarian missions and improving international cooperation as a way to prevent conflicts.
"We believe that preventing wars is as important as winning wars," said the new strategy announced by the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard.
The strategy reflects a broader Defense Department effort to use aid, training and other cooperative efforts to encourage stability in fledgling democracies and create relationships around the globe that can be leveraged if a crisis does break out in a region.
I need to go and find the paperwork to make a nomination.