Muslims want a new image and they want Hollywood to give it to them. If the image is un true doesn’t that make it propaganda?
An Islamic advocacy group wants the entertainment industry to present a more positive image of Muslims and Arabs, who often play terrorists on television and in the movies –They also play terrorists on the news and in real life as they suicide bomb and beheaded people. Most Muslims are not terrorists but most terrorist are Muslim. Using Muslim terrorist s as “bad guys” in today’s world is the same as using Nazis as “bad guys” for WW II movie.
Should there be positive portrayals of Muslims in entertainment? Of course there should, but it would be helpful if there were more positive portrayals of Muslims in real world at the same time.
CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush said the best way to promote an "accurate and balanced portrayal of Muslims in America and around the world" is thought media outlets that shape popular culture.If CAIR is serious about improving the image of Muslims through the media, then every one of the TV shows/movies should make a point in denouncing Muslim terrorists. Until then it is just propaganda.