Today I saw a “Stop War” bumper sticker. It wasn’t the first and I am sure it won’t be the last. But it did get me think, so I will share the thought (or at least put it down here). The US could pull out of the ME completely and declare all hostilities on our part will cease. There is an old saying “It Takes Two To Tango” or in other words two sides to fight. That would mean the war would be over right? Technically yes but what if the other side still wants to fight? With war, the side still willing to fight gets to dictate the terms peace, since the other side has surrendered. Bin Laden has given term of surrender.
There are two solutions to stopping it. One is from our side, and it is to escalate the fighting and killing against you. This is our duty, and our brothers are carrying it out.So what would life be if all embraced Islam, would it be this?
The second solution is from your side. I invite you to embrace Islam.

Would Britney and Madonna die?
Muslim terrorist leaders threatened to forcibly convert Britney Spears and Madonna to Islam and warned if they resist, their heads would be cut off for "spreading Satanic culture," according to a new book released today.
After the surrender would those who did not embrace would they face this?
About 500 Pakistani Christians in Charsadda, a town in the North West Frontier
Province bordering Afghanistan, received letters earlier this month telling them to close their churches and convert by Thursday or be the target of "bomb explosions."
Of course if the US pulled all troop out right now and said we are done fighting, we all would not be face this choice tomorrow. The fighting would not stop but the warzone would change. At the very best we would be fighting a defense war much like what Israel is doing. They pulled out of the contested areas of the West Bank and Gaza, they pulled out of Lebanon and see what that has gotten them.
One of my favorite movies is “Cool Hand Luke” starring Paul Newman. There is a scene relatively early on where Luke is boxing Dragline (Played by George Kennedy ). Dragline has an easy time knocking Luke down again and again but Luke keeps getting up. The fight is ended by Dragline walking away because he realize for him to win, he would have to kill Luke. During a poker game later on, Dragline comments on winning with nothing.
Nothin'. A handful of nothin'. You stupid mullet head. He beat you with nothin'. Just like today when he kept comin' back at me - with nothin'.
Nothing can win if the other side quits. The terrorists will keep fighting, even if they have nothing.
With a slight modification the saying could be “It Takes Two To Fight, But One To Surrender”.