Monday, September 24, 2007

Melting Pot Victory

Over at Big Lizard, Dafydd got carried away with a comment to post at Patterico's Pontificatio and it got me thinking so I did the same (I did put this in the comment section but decided to post it here also).
Does America have a better understanding of the word because of our vast diversity? I’m not talking about individual knowledge about the world but a cultural understanding.

There were 1,266,264 immigrants who were granted legal residence in 2006, up from 601,516 in 1987, 849,807 in 2000, and 1,122,373 in 2005. (Source).
The US receives a lot of people from around the world, each of them bring their culture to the states. A little bit of their culture spreads and changes the US culture hence the “Melting Pot”. The culture in America has been called many things including said not to exist. There have been attempts to define it and mock it but American culture is everywhere a McDonalds, Pepsi/Coke and Levi’s are. It is a common culture, not very refined because it is a culture of common every day people. It takes things from other countries and puts an American spin on it, mass markets it and then sends it back. The spin comes not originally from America but from the “Melting Pot” filter of other countries. That is why it spreads (like a disease according to some) across the world. Because no matter where the American culture goes, it carries something known, it carries something familiar to everyone. American culture is made up of little bits of other cultures. Does that patchwork culture mean we, as a country, can find common ground quick and have a better understanding of the world in general?

If this idea is true then we actually need to bring in more people from the ME into the American Borg Culture. Of course there is one thing that always needs to be done. They must become functional Americans, not foreigners living in America. I’m not talking about forcing them to abandon their culture with legal measures; I am talking about not making special rules that allow them to maintain their independence (like many are trying to do with Hispanic immigrants such as teaching in Spanish). It should be made quite clear to anybody wanting to immigrate to the US that they are expected to become Americans. They are expected to add what it is to be an American not subtract.

It has been said that we cannot win against the terrorist win military might alone, some say we must understand our enemies but what if they understand us because they can now identify with us a little more.